3 Overlooked Facebook Tricks Long Island SEO Experts Can Show You

By Robbie Sutter

If you wish to talk about the biggest websites in the world, Facebook ranks highly. There's no denying the site's importance, especially in this day and age when social media is such a crucial part of casual interaction and business endeavors alike. With that said, Facebook comes with its fair share of tricks, many of which people might not know about. To better understand what these tricks entail, here are just 3 that Long Island SEO experts can bring your attention to.

According to firms along the lines of fishbat, Facebook has the unique ability to help you find the first message you've ever sent someone on the site. The way to go about this is by clicking to the Messages section of the website, before right clicking on See Older Messages. From there, you can change the number that's used to index messages, giving you a more narrow scope. This is just one of the many uncommon tricks that Long Island SEO experts can draw your attention to.

Facebook Messenger can also allow you to set your status to private. For those who are curious to know how this is done, go to your Messenger list on the website, navigating toward the Advanced Settings button. From there, you can scroll through the various options, before seeing that you can make yourself "invisible" on the in-site app. If you don't want to be completely "invisible" to users, though, you have the option to select who you don't want to see you on the site.

What if you come across a Facebook post you like, or see value in, but do not want to lose it in the bustling activity of your news feed? What you must do is go to the post in question and click on the arrow in the upper right corner. From there, you can select to save the post, so that you can keep track of it for the future. Given the fact that Facebook moves at a rampant pace, with numerous pieces of content to account for, this is a great trick to note.

As you can see, Facebook comes packed with quite a few tricks, some of which the average user might not have known about. However, they speak volumes about how much the site has to offer, not only for businesses but the casual user to boot. If these points have interested you, maybe you'd like to dig deeper and see what else might have been hidden under the surface. Suffice it to say, your appreciation of the site will only increase.

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